About us

We are real people, with a true passion and a true purpose.

We believe that good eating = good living.

Who we are

Bart Vandormael

Born and raised in Belgium, Europe, blessed with an insatiable hunger for rich flavors, I hope to share my passion for food with as many people as I can possibly seat at my table.

I take inspiration from the traditional as well as innovative cuisines of Italy and Spain, Scandinavia, France, the United States, and Japan. I learned from renowned chefs such as Alain Ducasse, Ferran Adrià, Marcus Wareing, Simon Taxacher, and Eddie Kerkhofs, through conversations with them and savoring their food.

My mission is as simple as it is ambitious: I want to serve food that makes you happy and healthy. Nothing makes me happier.

Brandon Morris

Born in Redding, California, raised in Kearney, Nebraska, Las Vegas has been my home for over 20 years.

I am an experienced restaurateur, mixologist, and manager, graduated from the College of Southern Nevada and the University of Nevada Las Vegas in hospitality management.

My father was a lifelong executive chef and passed down the love of feeding and serving people the best quality possible. I am dedicated to providing my guests with the most memorable and satisfying experience possible every singe time!

What we do

We are food lovers.

We care passionately about what we cook.
We serve food that is tasty, fresh, nutritious, and healthy.

We are food fighters.

We serve food that matters.
We believe that good eating = good living.

We are food explorers.

We love the classics. There’s a reason why they are classics.
We also love to play. We take classic European recipes and add a modern American twist.

Why we do it

We are food believers.

We want you to live a happy and joyful life.

How we do it

We explore, we learn, we pick up flavors, we train ourselves to stay focused and inspired, every day again.

We challenge ourselves to the best we can be.

We remind ourselves constantly of our purpose and responsibility:
good eating = good living.